Cuicuil (MH526v)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name Cuicuil (perhaps “Freckled,” of "Pock Marked," attested here as a man’s name) shows a profile view of a bald person's head with attention to the spots on the face, some of which are large and therefore more like moles or pocks than freckles.
Stephanie Wood
Looking at terms in the dictionary, cuicuiltic, something painted in the way a pinto horse is spotted, perhaps. Another term, ixchian cuicuillotl, specifically applies to the face, which justifies the use of cuicuiltic in consideration of markings on the face.
Stephanie Wood
diego. cuicuil.
Diego Cuicuil
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
painted, pintado, pecoso, freckled, lunares en la cara, faces, moles
cuicuiltic, painted, spotted, varicolored,
ixchian cuicuillotl, moles or freckles on face,
cuicuiloa, to paint something many colors,
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 526v, World Digital Library,
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