nanacatl (HJ276:79:pt3:242r)
This is an element of a mushroom (nanacatl). It consists of a black and white vertical image. It is one of two mushrooms that are superimposed near the crown of a tepetl glyph to create a compound meaning Nanacatepec. The mushroom has a rounded cap and a stem. It is painted gray.
Robert Haskett
The nanacatl was often a hallucinogenic mushroom, as attested in our Online Nahuatl Dictionary. Its consumption could be combined with singing and dancing. One source refers to stupifaction and another mentions losing oneself.
This iconographic image of a mushroom appears on a pictorial manuscript submitted by indigenous petitioners on or around October 24, 1549, as evidence during a land dispute between the Cuernavacan community of Tetela and the Marquesado del Valle over the alleged usurpation seventeen years previously of a parcel of community land by the Marqués. The pictorial is included in the group of manuscripts known as the Códice del Marquesado del Valle. For more information, consult Von Mentz, Cuauhnahuac, 2008, 472; Códices indígenas de algunos pueblos del Marquesado, 1933 and 1883, “Códice núm. 27; and Santiago Sánchez, Códices del Marquesado del Valle, 2003, 200-204.
Robert Haskett
Robert Haskett
mushrooms, hongos, halucinogénicos, estupefacción, perderse, xiuhpohualli, año, turquesa, xihuitl

Robert Haskett
Single-page codex, Archivo General de la Nación, México, Ramo de Hospital de Jesús, leg. 276, Exp. 79, pt. 3, fol. 242r.
The Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), México, holds the original manuscript. This image is published here under a Creative Commons license, asking that you cite the AGN and this Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs.