Nenecoztli (MH699r)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Nenecoztli (perhaps “Yellow Deity Image”) is attested here as a man’s name. The glyph shows a frontal view of a doll or deity image (nenetl) that has been painted yellow (apparently signaling coztli, “yellow dye”). The nenetl figure has the usual squared off protrusions on the top of its head. It also wears a skirt, which is a nod to its gender, apparently an indication that dolls were usually female, or deity images of this type were for goddesses, or the gender is a recognition that the term nenetl could also refer to women’s genitals. This possible doll is typically used for the nen- syllable, which generally refers to something ineffectual, useless, or lazy.
Stephanie Wood
The contextualizing image shows that some ink from the glyph above this one on the page, obscured part of the gloss, especially the start to coztli. But the color is a clue to the decipherment of the gloss. This is the first nenetl that has yellow coloring to enter this collection, and this is at a time when the collection has 6067 total records. Sometimes nenetl figures seem to be male, but most seem to be female. See some examples below.
Stephanie Wood
simū nenecoztli
Simón Nenecoztli
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
phonetic syllables, sílabas fonéticas, work, labor, trabajo, dolls, muñecas, imágenes de deidades, esculturas de piedra, genitales de mujeres, mal comportamiento, negativos, calendarios, nombres de colores, nombres de hombres

coz(tli), yellow dye,
nene(tl), doll, deity image, or a woman’s genitals,
posiblemente, Tinta Amarilla Ineficaz
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 699r, World Digital Library,
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