ocotl (TK2v)
This example of iconography is shared here to provide a comparison with various kinds of wood. It shows two horizontal orange-brown logs that are glossed "ocote" which is Spanish for the Nahuatl term ocotl. The logs have stumps where branches once were.
Stephanie Wood
As the contextualizing image shows, this wood was a tribute item. Further text on the page explains that 80 boxes of wood had to be provided every 80 days, so the notation is 4 (ones) x 20 (the banner stands for 20). Ocotl is a sappy wood that is often used for making torches. These logs, however are rather short and wide for use as torches, but they could be splintered for torches or for excellent kindling. In English we often call this fatwood or torch pine.
Stephanie Wood
c. 1556
Stephanie Wood
firewood, leña, pinos, pines

oco(tl), torch pine, fatwood, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/ocotl
el ocote
The Codex Kingsborough, also known as the Códice de Tepetlaoztoc, and the Memorial de los indios de Tepetlaoztoc, is not on display. It was transferred from the British Library and is now held by the British Museum. It is shared on line at, https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/E_Am2006-Drg-13964. Image 3. Also known as f. 209, right side, and in Perla Valle's pagination of 1992, f. 2, lam. B (i.e., f. 2v).
©The Trustees of the British Museum. Shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.