pepena (MH488v)
This black-line drawing of the element pepena (to choose, to pick) has been extracted from the compound Xochipepena. The same image is included in this collection here, again, as a way of documenting the logogram of the verb, where the hand is reaching toward flowers to indicate the action of choosing.
Stephanie Wood
Pehpena (here showing the glottal stop) was used in many cases to refer to a kind of labor, a harvesting. Frances Karttunen notes how the term is combined with many "harvestable" or "collectable" items, such as firewood, maize, and tomatoes (see our Online Nahuatl Dictionary). If flowers were a required item for harvesting, that says something interesting about the culture.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
verbos, escoger

pepena, to choose, to select,
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 488v, World Digital Library,
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