tlaquilqui (Mdz22r)

tlaquilqui (Mdz22r)
Simplex Glyph

Glyph or Iconographic Image Description: 

This simplex glyph of a tool for applying stucco or plaster (tlaquilqui) doubles as the place name, Tlaquilpan. If not the name of stucco itself, or something that has been stuccoed, tlaquilli is also relevant here. It has a round hole at the top, perhaps for putting one's finger through, and it has a horizontal blade. The entire tool is white as it is represented here.

Description, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Source Manuscript: 
Date of Manuscript: 

c. 1541, but by 1553 at the latest

Creator's Location (and place coverage): 

Mexico City

Shapes and Perspectives: 

tools, stucco, construction, encalar, yeso, cal, estuco

Glyph or Iconographic Image: 
Relevant Nahuatl Dictionary Word(s): 
Glyph/Icon Name, Spanish Translation: 

herramienta para encalar

Image Source: 

Codex Mendoza, folio 22 recto,, image 54 of 188.

Image Source, Rights: 

Original manuscript is held by the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, MS. Arch. Selden. A. 1; used here with the UK Creative Commons, “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License” (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)