Citecatl (MH671r)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name or ethnicity, Citecatl (perhaps, “One from Citlan”), is attested here as pertaining to a man.. The glyph shows a horizontal jack rabbit, seemingly in motion, heading toward the viewer’s right. Its ears are up and its coat is textured. The -tecatl affiliation suffix is attached to place names ending in -tlan, such as Citlan, in this case. Citlan would have been named for either having many jackrabbits in the area or perhaps a place of grandmothers or great aunts (see our Online Nahuatl Dictionary definitions for citli).
Stephanie Wood
Chimalpahin refers to a place called Citlan and the people as Citlantlaca.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
etnicidades, afiliación, pueblos, nombres de hombres
ci(tli), a jack rabbit, or an elder female,
-tecatl (affiliation suffix),
Una Persona de Citlan
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 671r, World Digital Library,
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