Achcauhzolli (MH676v)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name Achcauhzolli (perhaps “Old Authority Figure” or "Older Brother") is attested here as a man’s name. The glyph shows what appears to be a xiquipilli (a sack once used for containing valuables, such as cacao beans or money, but also representative of the number 8,000) that is decorated more than usual. The bag must have something to do with the authority figure. It is unclear whether the bag or the authority figure is meant to be aged. The face of the tribute payer to which this glyph is attached has wrinkles on his face, suggesting he is aged. But perhaps, here, the implication is to present something "old time" but not necessarily worn out.
Stephanie Wood
The style of this xiquipilli is reminiscent of the design given to the one shown on the Chavero manuscript from Huexotzinco.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
bolsas, ocho mil, authoridades, viejos, nombres de hombres

achcauh(tli), an authority figure or an older brother,
-zol(li), old, used, worn out,
posiblemente, Autoridad Vieja
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 676v, World Digital Library,
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