aquiztli (CruzBad41v)
This colorful example of iconography shows the herbal remedy called the Aquiztli (a botanical term for a medicinal plant, Paullinia fuscescens H.B.K., of the tobacco family). It is a plant with pink and green leaves and pairs of spiky flowers with tiny pink dots. The brown roots are visible in the ball of dirt that surrounds them.
Stephanie Wood
The "h" that appears in the gloss may be a glottal stop, but many publications do not include the "h" when naming the plant. This plant is listed as a hallucinogenic plant. (See: Jan G.R. Elferink, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 20:4 (1988), 427-435.)
Stephanie Wood
flowers, flores, plants, plantas, medicinales, hierbas, remedies, remedios, pahtli, patli

aquiz(tli), a plant of the tobacco family,
cierta hierba medicinal
Stephanie Wood
Dumbarton Oaks, Martín de la Cruz. Libellus de medicinalibus indorum herbis [Cruz-Badiano Codex]. Translated by Juan Badiano. 1552. Fols. 41v–42r.
Courtesy of the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México (CC-BY-NC-ND).