Calmimilolcatl (MH691v)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name Calmimilolcatl (“Person from Calmimilolco”) is attested here as a man’s name. The glyph shows a frontal view of an otherwise standard calli (house or building) except that the roof comes up to a point high above the entryway. This point suggests a mound or pyramid, calling forth the noun tlamimilolli.
Stephanie Wood
Other glyphs for Calmimilolcatl vary somewhat from this one, adding a structure around and above a calli. See below.
Stephanie Wood
aol calmimilolcatl
Alonso Calmimilolcatl
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
casas, edificios, pueblos, barrios, etnicidades, nombres de hombres

tlamimilol(li), a mound, something turned over or tipped up,
cal(li), house or building,
mimiloa, to roll or roll over,
mimilolo, to be rolled over or surrounded(?),
una persona de Calmimilolco
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 691v, World Digital Library,
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