Chinampan (T1735:2:109)
This simplex glyph for the place name Chinampan shows a chinampa (Spanish), aka the chinamitl), in Nahuatl. It features the technology or construction of the agricultural parcel that involved piling lake-bottom mud up for planting. To keep the mud in place, these structures were created. This glyph has a horizontal fence along the top. Small dots or circles around the perimeter of two rectangles that are adjoining may indicate posts that have been sunk into the lake bottom. The wooden structures are brown, and the wet mud is sort of a turquoise blue.
Stephanie Wood
Chinampas were often long narrow parcels. So, this glyph may providing a bird's eye view, showing two long parcels. The fence at the top, however, appears to be an elevation view.
Stephanie Wood
chinanpan, or chinampan, chinampa, etc.
Stephanie Wood
Xitlali Torres
chinanpan, chinampa, agricultura

chinami(tl), reed/cane enclosure,
chinampan, an agricultural strip, often involving a lake mud construction,
el chinampa
Stephanie Wood
Single-page codex, Archivo General de la Nación, México, Ramo de Tierras, vol. 1735, exp. 2, fol. 109.
The Archivo General de la Nación (AGN), México, holds the original manuscript. This image is published here under a Creative Commons license, asking that you cite the AGN and this Visual Lexicon of Aztec Hieroglyphs.