cuauhcihuatl (FCBk10F36r)
This is a multicolored drawing of the compound glyph for the noun, cuauhcihuatl. It shows a stone (tetl) with the diagnostic diagonal stripes and curling ends. It also has a little orange coloring. Below the stone is a red heart (yollotl) with hatching that gives it a three-dimensionality. Given that these terms do not enter into the sound of the name, they must be semantic, suggesting that an eagle-like woman had a tough heart.
Stephanie Wood
This glyph comes from the Florentine Codex, which describes the cihuacoatl as "resolute, firm of heart...brave, like a man...endures things like a man. She becomes firm — takes courage," among similar descriptions. For the full quote, see our Online Nahuatl Dictionary.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
mujeres, fuertes, valientes
cuauhcihua(tl), a mature woman, brave, firm of heart (literally, eagle-woman),
cuauh(tli), eagle,
cihua(tl), woman,
Library of Congress,
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