Metzocuitla (MH550r)
This compound glyph for the personal name Metzocuitla ("Thick Body Sweat," attested here as a man's name) shows a maguey plant (metl) with five vertical, pointed branches. Below the plant is a jumble of matter that may be part of the plant but could also refer to the tzocuitlatl, thick body sweat that is named in the gloss. It could also be the sap or one of the beverages derived from the maguey is indicated.
Stephanie Wood
There may be an implied odor in thick body sweat, hence the marking of sensory perception. The other word that may come into play here is metzontli, leg hair (if the "n" has been dropped inadvertently). But any relationship between leg hair and excrement (cuitlatl) is elusive.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
nombres de hombres
me(tl), maguey,
metzon(tli), leg hair,
tzocuitla(tl), thick body sweat,
cuitla(tl), excrement,
Maguey-Sudor Espeso del Cuerpo
Stephanie Wood and Alonso de Molina
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 550r,
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