Nentequitl (MH882v)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Nentequitl ("Fruitless Labor") is attested here as a man's name. The doll is dressed in a skirt and has two squared-off protrusions on its head, which could symbolize the neaxtlahualli hairstyle of women. The doll holds the digging stick or an obsidian blade.
Stephanie Wood
The black tool the female figurine holds recalls two things, one phonetic and one logographic. The color and rectangular shape suggest an obsidian blade, which is used to cut (tequi). For a photo of a cache of obsidian from c. 1400 in Tlatelolco, see this INAH link. But the way it is being held, it is reminiscent of the huictli, an agricultural tool and symbol of work (tequitl). So, this compound glyph could be partially or fully phonographic.
The five extra days in the calendar of 360 days (xiuhpohualli) were called nemontemi (useless days). It was unlucky to be born on these days. A man who was born in this period was called nenoquich and a woman was called nencihuatl. This is explained in the Florentine Codex in Book 2, folio 12 recto (see: These individuals were considered unlucky, ill-fated, and even useless. A great many individuals in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco have names beginning with the negative syllable Nen-. Perhaps they were born in that ill-fated period, or perhaps the negative syllable came to be even more liberally applied. With men, for instance, Nentequitl (perhaps a lazy worker) was much more common than Nenoquich. When presented visually, the nen- syllable could derive from nenetl (a figure or sculpture of a deity or a doll). Nenetl also had an association with women’s genitals, which has caused much speculation about a negativity associated with women and their sex, but that might have come from European religious influence. In the colonial context, such concepts and perceptions could easily become muddied.
Stephanie Wood
colnelio nēteq~tl
Cornelio Nentequitl
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
phonetic syllables, sílabas fonéticas, work, labor, trabajo, dolls, muñecas, nenetl, imágenes de deidades, esculturas de piedra, mal comportamiento, madera, herramienta agrícola, coa, calendarios, nombres de hombres

nene(tl), deity image, doll, female genitals,
tequi(tl), work,
nentequi(tl), useless work,
Trabajo en Vano, o Trabajador Inútil
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 882v, World Digital Library,
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