Quetzalcoatl (TR8v)
This example of the iconography of the anthropomorphized patron deity of a trecena (13-day divinatory cycle) as presented in the Codex Telleriano-Remensis features Quetzalcoatl. The figure is shown in profile, facing toward the viewer's right. His legs are positioned as to suggest he is moving, possibly dancing. On his back is a package much like that carried by Nahui Ehecatl. This Quetzalcoatl also carries accoutrements in his hands, and his regalia is laden with diagnostic symbolism of many colors and various media, including feathers, paper, shells, gems, and more. Note the facial mask in the style of Ehecatl, and the sectioned ilacatztli shell, the xihuitl glyph on top of the white heron feathers on the headdress, the dotted conical hat, the earring with the hooked shell, and so much more.
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
deities, deidades, divinities, divinidades, divine forces, fuerzas divinas, plumas, feathers, shells, conchas, caracoles

Quetzalcoa(tl), a deity, "Quetzal Feather Serpent", https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/quetzalcoatl
Quetzal, a person's name, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/quetzal
coatl, snake, serpent, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/coatl
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 8 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection, https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8458267s/f42.item.zoom
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