Tlachinol (MH503r)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Tlachinol (apparently short for "Atl Tlachinolli," "Flood and Conflagration," a metaphor for war or other types of apocalypse), attested here as a man's name, shows what seems to be a bird's eye view of a river, with three pairs of curving, double flames coming out of the lower side. On the high side, the water has small spurts coming off the top. The water also has some lines of current, suggesting movement.
Stephanie Wood
The noun tlachinolli is often paired with atl (water) or teoatl (divine flood), in a diphrasis and metaphor for flood and burned land, or, in other words, disaster. It is unclear if this glyph includes water, but wide curve with little splashes off the side seems to suggest water. The flames come off the lower side of the curve. The metaphor and diphrasis are worth exploring further. Janice Lynn Robertson (2017, 189) suggests this diphrasis refers to "sacred warfare."
Stephanie Wood
Felipe Tlachinol
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
fires, fuegos, tierra quemada, tlachinolli, agua, inundación, nombres de hombres

tlachinol(li), conflagration,
a(tl), water,
James Lockhart (The Nahuas, 1992, 120) refers to the name Yaotlachinol, witnessed in a census from the Cuernavaca region (1535–45), calling it as "The Scorching of War."
Guerra (Agua y Fuego)
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 503r, World Digital Library,
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