tlacoquixtia (TR9r)
This iconographic example shows a man (wearing the signature loincloth), possibly a priest, performing self-sacrifice through the drawing of blood by piercing his tongue. He is standing in profile, facing the viewer's left. Blood (eztli) drops down from his protruding tongue, which might involve the verb chochopica. He uses an implement for piercing his tongue that may be a piece of wood with a sharp point attached. He carries four more such implements in his left hand. He has long hair, tied in a tzontli with what is probably a red leather thong. He also wears what appears to be a bracelet with green stones and other items of preciosity. A similar red leather tie is called a "cinta de cuero rojo," employed in the process of tying up one's hair to be converted into a warrior, according to Guy Stresser-Péan (1995, 45). (See our Bibliography for the full citation to his study.) Others note that priests wore their hair this way.
Stephanie Wood
The activity, along with the particular hairstyle, may be indications that this man is a priest.
se sacrificabā
se sacrificaban
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
bloodletting, bleeding, blood, sangría, sangrado, sangre

tlacoquixtia,to pass small twigs through the tongue or the ears, to draw blood as an offering to honor the divine forces,
tlaco, half, middle, center,
quixtia, to take, to take out of,
chochopica, for blood to drip off of something or someone,
tzon(tli), hair,
temilo(tli), a warrior hairstyle,
tlatzonilpia, to tie up the hair,
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 9 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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