Tlacuilollan (LTlax302v)
This simplex glyph shows a piece of paper with lines of "writing" (tlacuilolli) which are really just illegible wavy lines. A hand--with partial arm showing, and either wearing a shirt with a ruffled sleeve or wearing a bracelet--holds an implement that is making the wavy lines.
Stephanie Wood
This image is useful for analyzing how writing is shown in Nahua glyphs and in iconography. This one appears to be influenced by European ways of writing in lines on a single sheet of paper, not screen-folded. The writing, although illegible, has the appearance of alphabetic writing, not hieroglyphic writing.
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
c. 1580s
Jeff Haskett-Wood
papel, escribir, escrituras
tlacuilol(li), a piece of writing,
-tlan (locative suffix), near,
Junto a La Escritura
Stephanie Wood
"Reconstrucción histórica digital del Lienzo de Tlaxcala," UNAM,
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