Tlaloc (TR8r)
This example of iconography is included here as a comparison for representations of the divine force of rain tlaloc) and the glyphs for rain (quiyahuitl) and rain clouds (mixtli) which have associations with some of the attributes of Tlaloc. The stellar or "starry" eye (with the red eyelid) that is inside the "goggle" also apparently connects Tlaloc to celestial phenomena.
Stephanie Wood
tla loc
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood and Stephanie Wood
rain, lluvia, deities, deidades, fuerzas naturales, supernaturales, quiyahuitl, starry eyes, ojos, estrellas
Tlaloc. Museo del Templo Mayor. This ceramic pot was found in Offering 21 of the Templo Mayor. According to the Museo, it "contained various mother-of-pearl shells and green stone beads, the latter ones as symbols of water. It belongs to Stage IV (14400-1469 A.D.)." The pot features "a high-relief figurehead of Tlaloc's face, the god of rain. The Aztecs conceived it formed by two serpents intertwined at the nose and joining their heads face to face at the mouth. In this case, such serpents can be seen through the bands with vertical lines and alternate circles located over the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and around the mouth." Photograph by Robert Haskett, 15 February 2023.

Tlaloc, the deity associated with water, rain, and storms,
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 8 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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