xomolli (CA 58v)
This example of iconography comes from the Codex Aubin (CA), folio 58 verso, where a building foundation is shown from a bird's eye view. The foundation has several corners (xomolli) with right angles, although the word xomolli does not appear in the gloss. The building has one large, central room and two smaller rooms at each end. Every room appears to have two or more doorways.
Stephanie Wood
We include this example of iconography here to compare with the glyph for xomolli in the Codex Mendoza. We learn from the gloss that this building had an association with San Hipólito Tianquizco (or, at the marketplace). There was a monastery of San Hipólito in Mexico City (today, the "ex-convento," possibly begun in 1567. [See: https://second.wiki/wiki/ex_convento_de_san_hipc3b3lito}
Stephanie Wood
Inyemopevaltia motlallan a
dientaSantypolito tianquizco ax
In ye mopehualtia motllan a[-]
dienta San Hipólito Tianquizco ax[can?]
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
corners, esquinas, building foundations, cimientos
Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aubin_Codex#/media/File:Aubin_codex.jpg, folio 58 verso.
©The Trustees of the British Museum