cihuatl (CQ)

cihuatl (CQ)

Glyph or Iconographic Image Description: 

This iconographic example of a woman (cihuatl) shows a profile of the full body of a woman sitting on her legs (a classic posture for an Indigenous woman) and facing toward the viewer's right. She has the classic hairstyle (neaxtlahualli) of a woman, and she wears the huipilli, also the standard clothing for a woman.

Description, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Source Manuscript: 
Date of Manuscript: 

covers ruling men and women of Tecamachalco through 1593

Creator's Location (and place coverage): 

southern Puebla state

Cultural Content, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Shapes and Perspectives: 
Other Cultural Influences: 

women, mujeres, hair, cabello, pelo, blouses, huipiles

Glyph or Iconographic Image: 
Relevant Nahuatl Dictionary Word(s): 
Glyph/Icon Name, Spanish Translation: 

la mujer

Spanish Translation, Credit: 

Ofelia Cruz Morales

Image Source: 

The Codex Quetzalecatzin, aka Mapa de Ecatepec-Huitziltepec, Codex Ehecatepec-Huitziltepec, or Charles Ratton Codex. Library of Congress.

Image Source, Rights: 

The Library of Congress, current custodian of this pictorial Mexican manuscript, hosts a digital version online. It is not copyright protected.

Historical Contextualizing Image: