otli (Verg9v)
This is a black-line drawing of the glyph element for the noun otli ("road"). It show's a bird's eye view of a pair of human footprints walking from right to left between two parallel lines representing a road or pathway.
Stephanie Wood
Footprint glyphs have a wide range of translations. In this collection, so far, we can attest to yauh, xo, pano, -pan, paina, temo, nemi, quetza, otli, iyaquic hualiloti, huallauh, tepal, tetepotztoca, totoco, otlatoca, -tihui, and the vowel "o." Other research (Herrera et al, 2005, 64) points to additional terms, including: choloa, tlaloa, totoyoa, eco, aci, quiza, maxalihui, centlacxitl, and xocpalli.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
footprint, footprints, roads, calle, pies
o(tli), road, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/otli
Codex Vergara, folio 9v, https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b84528032/f26.item.zoom
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