Tlaxich (MH660r)
This black-line drawing for the simplex glyph for the personal name Tlaxich (perhaps “Crossbow Arrow” or "Dart") is attested here as a man’s name. Instead of the usual arrow or spear for the Tlaxich glyph, this one shows a frontal view of a tree with many branches. Perhaps this is the tree from which these particular projectiles are made.
Stephanie Wood
Perhaps this is the tree from which the tlaxichtli arrow is made.
Stephanie Wood
juā tlah xich
Juan Tlaxich
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
árboles, crossbows, arrows, flechas, ballestas, pasadores, pasador, tlaxichtli, proyectiles, nombres de hombres

tlaxich(tli), a type of arrow, dart, or spear,
posiblemente, Flecha de Ballesta o Passador de Ballesta
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 660r, World Digital Library,
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