Callalatl (Verg15v)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Callalatl (“House Land-Water,” attested here as a man’s name) shows a house (calli) in profile facing toward the viewer's left. Three sprays of water (atl), each with a droplet or bead at the end, emerges from the entry way of the building. Hanging down from the bottom of the T-shaped doorway of the building is a round bell with horizontal stripes and an opening at the bottom for the sound to escape.
Stephanie Wood
The verb "to ring" (calani) is something of a homophone for house land (callalli). Thus, the bell seems to play a phonetic role to help the reader arrive at the sense of the water (irrigation) pertaining to house land, which was typically used for agricultural purposes, perhaps something like a kitchen garden. The term for outside is calan, which is also close here. Further research is required.
Stephanie Wood
matheo. calallatl
Mateo Callalatl
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
casas, edificios, agua, campanillas, campanas, pinjantes, bells, suenan, metales, nombres de hombres

cal(li), house,
a(tl), water,
calani, to ring (as in a bell),
callalli, cultivated house land,
Codex Vergara, folio 15v,
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