chicome (CQ)
This notational sign has been carved from the compound glyph for the place name, Chicome Mazatl (Seven Deer, 7-Deer. The first element in the place name, chicon- is the combining form for the number chicome, seven (which is five, chico-, plus two, ome. The number seven is shown as a series of round black dots four up and four to the left, with one dot shared at the corner (a right angle), for a total of seven.
Stephanie Wood
It is interesting that this arrangement of the dots representing ones is not 5 + 2; rather, the arrangement reads as four down and four across, retaining a symmetrical nature and perhaps showing the cultural preference for fours. Various date glyphs and notations from the Codex Mendoza show five ones across the top and an additional number of ones down the right side. (See below for an example.)
Stephanie Wood
covers ruling men and women of Tecamachalco through 1593
seven, siete, numbers, nĂºmeros

chicome, seven,
The Codex Quetzalecatzin, aka Mapa de Ecatepec-Huitziltepec, Codex Ehecatepec-Huitziltepec, or Charles Ratton Codex. Library of Congress.
The Library of Congress, current custodian of this pictorial Mexican manuscript, hosts a digital version online. It is not copyright protected.