Chiconcuauh (MH648r)
This compound glyph for the personal name Chiconcuauh (“Seven Eagle,” or “7-Eagle,” attested here as a man’s name) shows a ceramic pot (comitl) serving as a phonetic indicator for the number seven (chicome, which as a stem is chicon-). To the right of the pot is the head of an eagle (cuauhtli) in profile, facing toward the viewer’s right. The eagle’s eye is open, as is its beak, which is painted yellow.
Stephanie Wood
The cuauhtli is a day name in the 260-day divinatory calendar called the tonalpohualli. So, this is a calendrical name. But, interestingly, the companion number for the eagle is disguised as a ceramic pot rather than some number of dots or lines, as the number would have been represented in earlier times (and still found in places in this manuscript). Calendrical names, while still popular among tribute paying Nahuas, were in a notable state of flux, sometimes with the numbers dropping away completely and sometimes appearing only as numbers (with the calendrical day name dropping away). Whether this was a natural evolution or erosion of old naming patterns, or represents some effort to suppress a lingering tradition that was connected to Nahua religious belief remains to be seen.
Stephanie Wood
diego chicoquauh
Diego Chiconcuauh
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
días, fechas, dates, calendars, calendarios, days, animales, jaguares, cerámica, fonetismo, números, siete, tonalpohualli, nombres de hombres
chicome, seven,
cuauh(tli), eagle,
com(itl), ceramic pot,
Siete Águila (o 7-Águila)
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 648r, World Digital Library,
This manuscript is hosted by the Library of Congress and the World Digital Library; used here with the Creative Commons, “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License” (CC-BY-NC-SAq 3.0).