Cuauhtzon (MH519r)
This compound glyph stands for the personal name Cuauhtzon, which is borne here by a man who has been baptized Juan. A yellow tree (cuahuitl) trunk emerges from a circle with small hairs, probably in the place of what would be a lock of human hairs (tzontli) that were typically bound and worn at the back of the neck or on the top of the head of warriors and priests. Alternately, the trunk is taking the place of a human head [also called a tzontli).
Stephanie Wood
The construction of this glyph may suggest a translation of "Wooden Head." The other Cuauhtzon from this same folio (see below) has a completely different construction and might result in a translation of "Eagle Head." There are various possible translations. Why a Nahua man would have a name relating to tree or wood may have something to do with the significance of the metaphor, in tetl in cuahuitl (the stone, the wood), which the friars (such as Sahagún, Book 6) described as having an association with knowing secret things.
Stephanie Wood
Juo guauhtzō
Juan Cuauhtzon
Stephanie Wood
José Aguayo-Barragán
madera, leña, cabeza, cabello
cuahui(tl), wood or tree,
tzon(tli), a lock of hair or the head,
Cabeza de Madera (?)
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 519r, World Digital Library.
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