mandamiento (Osu13r)
This simplex glyph from the Codex Osuna, folio 13 recto (or Image 28), shows a rectangle with many little marks across it that simulate writing. The Nahuatl text refers to this as a mandamiento (a ruling or an order), a loan from Spanish. The oidor (Spanish colonial magistrate) Doctor Puga was asking that the alguaciles (constables of the Indigenous town council) prove they have the right to carry a staffs of office.
Stephanie Wood
Other examples of writing in this collection typically show a piece writing (often called amatlacuilolli) as a simulation of alphabetic writing, which was a European introduction that the Nahuas took on quickly, given that they were experienced with writing in hieroglyphs. Rarely do samples of writing look as though they involve hieroglyphs put on paper. However, in the contextualizing image here, one can see another rectangle which looks like a landscape in part, but might be a document about working the land. The hairy volutes might be meant as words on the paper about how the Nahuas need to work the land. This would be a case then, where the writing is hieroglyphic at least in part. [For the interpretation that Dr. Puga was additionally ordering that the constable get the people to work the land, see: Vicenta Cortés Alonso, Pintura del Gobernador, Alcaldes, y Regidores de México (1976), p. 474.]
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
mandamientos, documentos, papel, escrituras

mandamiento, an official order, a ruling,
el mandamiento
Stephanie Wood
Library of Congress Online Catalog and the World Digital Library, Osuna Codex, or Painting of the Governor, Mayors, and Rulers of Mexico (Pintura del Gobernador, Alcaldes y Regidores de México), The original is located in the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
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