Necuametl (MH528r)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name Necuametl ("Spiny Agave," attested here as a man’s name) shows what looks like a tree (cuahuitl, perhaps providing the phonetic element "cua") with all the branches cut short and denuded.
Stephanie Wood
There are some options for analysis. The name Necuametl may refer to a palm-like tree of the same name, or else a sweet maguey. Metl is another word for maguey, and necuatl is unfermented maguey sap or juice. So, if the name is not "Wild Palm," it could translate as "Maguey Juice/Sap." The fact that the tree or agave is denuded may suggest that it has been processed for the making of juice (or the alcoholic beverage). This resembles tzihuactli, with its look of a trunk with branches removed roughly; it may also play a phonetic role of providing the "hua" syllable.
Stephanie Wood
Antonio Necuametl
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
magueyes, agaves, juices, jugos, agua miel, árboles, madera
necuame(tl), a palm-like tree or a small spiny agave,
me(tl), maguey/agave plant,
necua(tl), unfermented maguey juice,
Palma Silvestre, o Jugo de Maguey
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 528r, World Digital Library,
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