rey (Chav1)

rey (Chav1)

Glyph or Iconographic Image Description: 

This simplex glyph or example of iconography showing a crown is used to refer to the king in an account book from Huexotzinco (Huejotzingo, today). It is an obvious European-type crown with fleur-de-lys being the main decoration and providing sharp points for the upper rim.

Description, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Added Analysis: 

Nahuas used their own diadem as a symbol of power for the tecuhtli (see below), and thus the use of the crown to refer to the king is not unexpected. It was a powerful symbol in European tradition, as well.

Added Analysis, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Gloss Image: 
Source Manuscript: 
Date of Manuscript: 


Creator's Location (and place coverage): 

Huejotzingo, Puebla, Mexico

Cultural Content, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Other Cultural Influences: 

reyes, kings, crowns, coronas

Glyph or Iconographic Image: 
Relevant Nahuatl Dictionary Word(s): 
Image Source: 

The Codex Chavero of Huexotzinco (or Códice Chavero de Huexotzinco),

Image Source, Rights: 

The Codex Chavero of Huexotzinco (or Códice Chavero de Huexotzinco) is held by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México. It is published online by the World Digital Library and the Library of Congress, which is “unaware of any copyright or other restrictions in the World Digital Library Collection.”

Historical Contextualizing Image: