Tlacochin (MH490v)
This black-line drawing of the simplex glyph for the personal name Tlacochin (perhaps "Arrow" or "Spear") shows a vertical projectile, the tlacochtli. It is segmented as though it is made of cane (carrizo, in Spanish). It is also decorated with a wing feather, something in the manner of the arrow called mitl.
Stephanie Wood
Glyphs for the tlacochtli (and the related personal name, Tlacochin) vary considerably. See some more examples, below.
antonio tlacochin
Antonio Tlacochin
Stephanie Wood
José Aguayo-Barragán
arrows, spears, javelins, flechas, lanzas, jabalinas, nombres de hombres

tlacoch(tli)), a projectile, such as an arrow or spear,
Tlacochin, a famous person's name,
tlacochinami(tl), an enclosure,
posiblemente, Flecha o Lanza
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 490v, World Digital Library.
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