tlalehualli (CmpRG)
This simplex glyph referring to an earthen construction (tlalehualli), perhaps a mound, given the round shape, comes from from the Map of Cempohuallan (Zempoala, Cempoala). It comprises a dark gray circle with nine upright "U" shapes. A minor fold in the paper obscures one of the u's slightly. U-shapes here are reminiscent of the shapes on the animal hide regalia identified as ehuatl, below. Perhaps this is meant as a phonetic indicator for the -ehualli part of the land type name.
Stephanie Wood
The markings on the gray earth are also reminiscent of the U's in glyphs relating to tlalli and milli (agricultural parcels). They are also seen on glyphs for ixtlahuatl) (plains). The exact nature of the earthen construction remains to be seen, but the earth has definitely been modified by humans, judging by the translation of tlalehualli, and perhaps it is an agricultural mound. And the gloss makes it clear that this mound pertains to the people of Cempohuallan (spelled variously). A known diphrase or difrasism has tlalehualli paired with acatzacualli (reed enclosure), resulting in "mound of earth" (montículo de tierra). The Gran Diccionario cites Sahagún's Florentine Codex, Book 6, Chapter 33, pointing to the spelling tlaleoalli. If not agricultural, such mounds of earth can be remnants of tetelli or tzacualli (which, besides referring to mounds can refer to pyramids).
Stephanie Wood
yntlalebal çenpo
intlalehual Cempohualteca
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
land, earth, tierra, agricultura
tlalehual(li), earthen construction, Gran Diccionario,
la construcción en tierra
Stephanie Wood
Map of Cempohuallan (Zempoala, Cempoala),
Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas Libraries, University of Texas, Austin