tlamama (TR41v)
This example of iconography is provided here to serve as a comparison-visual for vocabulary such as tlamama (one who carries something) and cacaxtli (carrying frame). It shows a man in profile, walking toward the viewer's left. In his right hand, he carries a tall, segmented staff (like a hiking stick?). He wears a white loincloth and white sandals with red (leather?) ties. A tumpline goes over his forehead. On his back is a carrying frame with a gray bundle (quimilli?) with white straps. Attached to the top strap is a (wooden?) apparatus that involves possibly three sticks and a red object at the top, between two of the sticks.
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
cacaxtli, tumpline, estructura para llevar cosas en la espalda, cacaxtla, cacax

tlamama, a porter, one who carries things,
tameme, transportador
Stephanie Wood
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 41 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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