Yacapichtlan (Mdz8r)
This compound glyph stands for the place name Yacapichtlan (today, Yecapixtla, Morelos). The nose (yacatl). It is shown in profile, facing the viewer's left, and it is painted a terracotta color. The tepetl (hill, mountain) may be serving as a silent, visual locative in place of the typical tooth glyph (tlantli) which will normally stand for the -tlan ("near") locative suffix. The insect or spider below the nose has yet to be analyzed.
Stephanie Wood
The "pich" part of the place name may be represented by the ant(?) below the nose. A pichin is something small, perhaps like an insect? A bug or insect glossed "yacapich" forms another man's name in the Matrícula de Huexotzinco, which could provide the root of this place name, too.
Frances Karttunen has suggested that "pix" (from piya, to have, keep) could be at the root of this part of the place name. If so, the name could refer to a place that has a peak (since yacatl can refer to a peak). The contemporary town name is Yecapixtla (with the "x" in place of the "ch"); it is in the state of Morelos. Perhaps yacapich- is used in a phonetic role as a near homophone to yacapix-.
Stephanie Wood
yacapichtlan, puo
Yacapichtlan, pueblo (today: Yecapixtla, Morelos)
Stephanie Wood
c. 1541, or by 1553 at the latest
Stephanie Wood
top to bottom and left to right
cerros, picos, insectos, bichos, narices, nariz

yacapich(tli), an insect or a bug?, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/yacapichtli
yaca(tl) (nose, ridge, peak), https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/yacatl
pich(in), something small, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/pichin
piya (to have), https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/piya
-tlan (locative), https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/tlan
Yecapixtlan, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/yecapixtlan
Cerca del Pico de los Bichos (?)
Stephanie Wood
Codex Mendoza, folio 8 recto, https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/2fea788e-2aa2-4f08-b6d9-648c00..., image 26, of 188.
The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, hold the original manuscript, the MS. Arch. Selden. A. 1. This image is published here under the UK Creative Commons, “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License” (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0).