Tizocyahuacatl (Mdz65r)

Tizocyahuacatl (Mdz65r)

Glyph or Iconographic Image Description: 

This example of iconography shows a standing male, in profile, facing toward the viewer's right. He wears an elaborate cape and headdress. The gloss, Tizocyahuacatl, may refer to his name or his title. A glyph attached to him represents an alcoholic beverage, octli, and that syllable, "oc," is found in the gloss. Given that he may be a functionary whose role is to offer white pulque, it makes sense that his glyph would show a bowl of pulque.

Description, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Added Analysis: 

The first "c" in the gloss is not given as a "ç," which is surprising.

Added Analysis, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Gloss Image: 
Gloss Diplomatic Transcription: 


Gloss Normalization: 


Gloss Analysis, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Source Manuscript: 
Date of Manuscript: 

c. 1541, or by 1553 at the latest

Creator's Location (and place coverage): 

Mexico City

Cultural Content, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood


officials, funcionarios

Glyph or Iconographic Image: 
Relevant Nahuatl Dictionary Word(s): 

oc(tli), pulque, an alcoholic beverage, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/octli
tizocyahuaca(tl), one who offers white pulque, a title for a functionary close to the tlahtoani, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/tizocyahuacatl

Glyph/Icon Name, Spanish Translation: 

el título de un funcionario

Spanish Translation, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Image Source, Rights: 

Original manuscript is held by the Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, MS. Arch. Selden. A. 1; used here with the UK Creative Commons, “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License” (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)