rey (Chav1)
This simplex glyph or example of iconography showing a crown is used to refer to the king in an account book from Huexotzinco (Huejotzingo, today). It is an obvious European-type crown with fleur-de-lys being the main decoration and providing sharp points for the upper rim.
Stephanie Wood
Nahuas used their own diadem as a symbol of power for the tecuhtli (see below), and thus the use of the crown to refer to the king is not unexpected. It was a powerful symbol in European tradition, as well. Two other crowns appear below, one painted gold and one on the head of a Spaniard.
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
Stephanie Wood
reyes, kings, crowns, coronas

The Codex Chavero of Huexotzinco (or Códice Chavero de Huexotzinco),
The Codex Chavero of Huexotzinco (or Códice Chavero de Huexotzinco) is held by the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México. It is published online by the World Digital Library and the Library of Congress, which is “unaware of any copyright or other restrictions in the World Digital Library Collection.”