huei pachtli (TR4r)
This example of the festival and month in the xiuhpohualli that is called huei pachtli is included here as an example of iconography. It provides examples of what we might call paper (amatl) bibs (quemitl) with decorations in black liquid rubber (olli), the head of Tlaloc with starry eye, a fang, curling clouds around the eye and mouth, quetzalli feathers, and a large green tepetl with curly rocky outcroppings and water (atl) emerging from the horizontal red and yellow opening at the base of the hill.
Stephanie Wood
vey pachtli
huei pachtli
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
water, agua, feathers, plumas, paper, papel, ritual bib, quemitl, maíz, las direcciones cardinales, fiesta, festival, quincunces, month, mes, veinte días, calendarios, coailhuitl, conchitas, shells, Tlaloc, tlaloqueh, rain, lluvia

Huei Pachtli, a month of 20 days, recognizing the four directions and maize,
(nombre de un mes de veinte días, que se trata de las direcciones cardinales y el maíz)
Stephanie Wood
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 4 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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