Itzcoatl (TR41v)
This colorful example of the compound glyph of the personal name for Itzcoatl, the fourteenth Mexica ruler, shows a striped serpent (coatl) with ten black obsidian points (itztli) across its curving back. The snake is shown in profile, looking toward the viewer's right. Its white eye is open (with a visible iris), and its bifurcated tongue is protruding. The serpent's tail is a white rattle. The back of the snake is orange, and its stomach is red.
Stephanie Wood
The contextualizing image shows Itzcoatl sitting on his icpalli and petlatl (symbols of his authority), although he is deceased and shrouded. His shroud is gray with a red and white striped diamond shape on his back and red and white fringe near his feet.
See other examples of the personal name Itzcoatl (and Itzcoa) in the glyphs below.
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
Itzcoatzin, rulers, gobernantes, Mexica, Tenochtitlan, serpientes, cuchillos, obsidiana, muerto, icpalli, obsidiana, piedras, navajas, cuchillos, serpientes, culebras, víboras, serpents, snakes, knives, flints, nombres de hombres, cohuatl

Itzcoatl, fourteenth Mexica ruler,
Serpiente de Obsidiana, o Navaja-Culebra (Itzcoatzin, un gobernante Mexica)
Stephanie Wood
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 41 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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