cacaxtli (TR41v)
This colorful example of iconography shows a carrying frame, which we are identifying as a cacaxtli, based on other examples. It is upright, something like a ladder with four steps. A woven tumpline hangs down, tied to the second rung from the bottom. What appears to be a rolled petate with a red tie at the top seems to be attached to the frame.
Stephanie Wood
Note the cacaxtli glyphs below, as well as the huacalli and the ecahuaztli (ladder) as points for comparison. The iconographic example of the verb tlamama (to carry something) shows a man carrying something using what may be a cacaxtli frame on his back. The tumpline runs across his forehead.
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
madera, transporte, transportador, estructura para llevar cosas en la espalda, cacax

cacax(tli), carrying frame,
escalerillas de tablas para llevar algo acuestas
Alonso de Molina
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 41 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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