tlacamictia (TR38v)
This example of iconography comes from the Codex Telleriano-Remensis. We are including this as an example of one person killing another, which we have decided to label "tlacamictia" (literally, to kill a person). The gloss (in Spanish) provides the noun "sacrificio" (sacrifice). The person being killed is a woman. She is a woman who has given childbirth, considering the folds in her stomach. Her eyes are closed, which suggests that she is dead. She is on the ground, naked, and blood is spurting out from all around her body. A man (shown in a 3/4 view, in profile, facing left) stands over her with what appears to be a club in his right hand. It is turquoise blue. He has a war shield in his left hand. The shield has a white border, a brown interior, and a black horizontal stripe with two white circles inside the strip and black dots inside the white circles. A white loincloth protrudes from underneath a tunic that is yellow, green and turquoise blue with two red ties. At his neck are what may be two white shells. On his left ear may be a jade plug. His dark hair grows below his ear plug, but it is short with bangs across his forehead. On top of his head is a clump of hair tied with a red (probably leather) thong, which is characteristic of warriors and priests. Coming up from behind his back is a post with feathers of pink and green circling at the top, but yellow, green, and brown feathers protruding horizontally in the lower part of the pole.
Stephanie Wood
Sacri ficcio
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood
offerings, huentli, ofrendas, muerte, sacrificio humano, guerra

tlacamictia, to perform human sacrifice,
Stephanie Wood
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 38 verso, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection,
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