Xilotepec (TR26r)
This compound glyph for the place name Xilotepec has two main elements. One is a white maize plant (probably left natural because of the green colorant behind it) with a red corn cob (xilotl) with yellow silk. The plant also has a curving yellow tassel. Behind the plant is an upright, bell-shaped, mottled green hill or mountain (tepetl), or -tepec, if the mountain serves as a semantic indicator for the locative suffix -c]. The hill has curly, rocky outcroppings on its slopes. Near its base is a white horizontal band. The full effect of the name may be something like, "On the Hill of Tender Corn Cobs."
Stephanie Wood
Xilotepetl (or better, Xilotepec)
Stephanie Wood
ca. 1550–1563
Jeff Haskett-Wood and Stephanie Wood
maize, corn, maíz, tierno, tender, green, plantas, plantas, agricultura

xilo(tl), tender maize cob, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/xilotl
tepe(tl), hill/mountain, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/tepetl
En el Cerro del Maíz Tierno
Stephanie Wood
Telleriano-Remensis Codex, folio 26 recto, MS Mexicain 385, Gallica digital collection, https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b8458267s/f77.item.zoom
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