Cuauhxilotlan (RGTyM)
This is a painting of the compound glyph for the place name Cuauhxilotlan. The cuauhxilotl tropical fruit-bearing tree is pictured in the glyph, with fruits of green and brown coloring. The tepetl (hill or mountain) sign is there as a silent locative.
Stephanie Wood
The term cuauhxilotl entered Spanish as cuajilote.
Jeff Haskett-Wood
trees, árboles, fruits, frutas, nombres de lugares, topónimos, pueblos, estancias

cuauhxilo(tl), a tropical tree with edible fruit,
-tlan (locative suffix), near,
Entre los Cuajilotes
Stephanie Wood
The source of these hieroglyphs is a manuscript and map known collectively as the “Relación de Tistla y Muchitlan,” also known as the “Descripción de la Alcaldia Mayor de las Minas de Zumpango.” Apparently, these towns (today spelled Tixtla and Mochitlan) are in the modern-day state of Guerrero, but they fell under the religious jurisdiction of the Diocese of Tlaxcala. Thanks go to Octavio Márquez for his contribution of the glyph, gloss, and contextualizing images.
The original manuscript is hosted on line as part of the Benson Latin American Collection, The General Libraries, University of Texas at Austin, It is open-access.