Nenelihuitl (MH680r)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Nenelihuitl (perhaps “Mixed Feathers” or “Something Mixed”) is attested here as a man’s name. The glyph shows a nenetl doll or female deity figurine in a frontal view. It has bare breasts (or bent arms?) and a skirt on. Perhaps this is meant to serve as a near homophone and therefore a phonetic indicator for Nenel- (perhaps meaning mixed). To the left and right of the figurine are volutes, two on each side, facing different ways. Perhaps these are meant to represent the -ihuitl part of the name, even though ilhuia (to speak, often represented by speech scrolls) is only a near homophone to ihuitl (feather). Finally, the term neneilhui, to be mixed, may simply have an added absolutive (-tl) here, intentionally transforming a verb into a noun.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
volutas, hablar, muñecas, mujeres, deidades, fuerzas divinas, mezclado, revuelto, nombres de hombres, feathers, plumas
nene(tl), a doll or a deity figurine,
nenelihui, to be mixed,
tlanenel, mixed things,
Plumas Mixtas, o Algo Mezclado
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 680r, World Digital Library,
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