Citlalcolotl (MH841r)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal Citlalcolotl (perhaps “Star-Scorpion”) is attested here as a man’s name. The glyph shows a Western type star (not the starry “eye” of earlier times) with eight points. In the middle of the eight points are two concentric circles, a sharp object pierces these circles from the back. Perhaps this is a metaphorical scorpion (colotl) sting. Behind the star, the sharp object has an undulating tail that is seen off to the viewer’s right of the star. The undulation may be a nod to something twisted (col) or the verb, to bend, curve, or turn (colihui).
Stephanie Wood
It would seem that this compound is fully logographic, but it could be a name with another meaning, perhaps relating to comets, perhaps a star with a tail.
Stephanie Wood
ālo. çitlalcolotl
Alonzo (or Alonso) Citlalcolotl
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
estrellas, cometas, escorpiones, ondulación, colas, espinas, nombres de hombres

citlal(in), star,
colo(tl), scorpion,
col, something twisted,
colihui, to bend, curve, turn,
posiblemente, Estrella-Escorpión
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 841r, World Digital Library,
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