caltechtli (Osu12v)
This painting from the Codex Osuna, folio 12 verso (or Image 27), shows a wall (caltechtli). It is an iconographic example from a painted scent, included here for the purpose of making comparisons with Nahuatl hieroglyphs. This wall appears in a bird’s eye view. The wall is in an L-shape. Three layers of what are probably gray adobe bricks appear to comprise the wall, although there may have been additional layers that are not shown. Within the L-shape of the wall, against which they had been whipped, two men lie on the ground. They both have white cotton capes that are tied at the shoulder. They both carry a staff of office, suggesting that they are members of the Indigenous town council. Their posture is not the usual dignified one, but rather shows how they had fallen after their whipping at the hands of the Spaniard, Dr. Vasco de Puga, who appears in the contextualizing image, attacking the topile (constable) Miguel Chichimecatl.
Stephanie Wood
Conflict, crimes, and punishments are not common in the Nahuatl hieroglyphic repertoire, but they do appear in pictorial scenes such as this one. See a few examples below, both hieroglyphic and iconographic. See also below for some other examples of walls.
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
paredes, construcción, arquitectura, conflictos, crimen, mal trato, españoles, topiles, crimen, castigo

caltech(tli), a wall,
la pared
Stephanie Wood
Library of Congress Online Catalog and the World Digital Library, Osuna Codex, or Painting of the Governor, Mayors, and Rulers of Mexico (Pintura del Gobernador, Alcaldes y Regidores de México), The original is located in the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
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