Huei Atotonilco (Mdz8r)

Huei Atotonilco (Mdz8r)
Compound Glyph

Glyph or Iconographic Image Description: 

This compound glyph for the place name Huei Atotonilco shows a ceramic pot with water spilling over the top. The pot is set on hearth stones (tetl) glyphs, but not read aloud in this case], suggesting it is being heated over a fire, bringing it to boil over. The water is a standard flow of turquoise blue with lines of current and three white turbinate shells and two water droplets/beads splashing off the flow. The pot is a terracotta color with black at the base. The stones are a standard purple and terracotta, with wavy stripes.

Description, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Added Analysis: 

Pedro Carrasco (Estructura político-territorial del imperio tenochca, 2016) explains that this place name came to be Atotonilco el Grande in Spanish. The Atotonilco with the smaller glyph was Atotonilco de Tula.

The place name may not intend to refer to cooking at all, but the images brings to the fore the concept of hot water (atotonilli). The point may be to refer to hot springs. The intensifier (huei) is implied by the increased size of the pot. Hence, the thrust may refer to either a larger community near the hot springs or larger hot springs. Credit goes to Gordon Whittaker (2021, 71) for noticing that some of the pots are larger when representing Atotonilco, and therefore building into that image the intensifier/adjective in two cases, including this one and the one on folio 28 recto. I conclude that this is a compound glyph, given that the huei and the atotonilli are combined here.

Added Analysis, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Gloss Image: 
Gloss Diplomatic Transcription: 

atotonilco. puo

Gloss Normalization: 

Atotonilco, pueblo

Gloss Analysis, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Source Manuscript: 
Date of Manuscript: 

c. 1541, or by 1553 at the latest

Creator's Location (and place coverage): 

Mexico City

Semantic Categories: 
Cultural Content, Credit: 

Stephanie Wood

Parts (compounds or simplex + notation): 
Reading Order (Compounds or Simplex + Notation): 

Huey Atotonilco, atotonilli, hot water, waters, hot springs, shells

Glyph or Iconographic Image: 
Glyph/Icon Name, Spanish Translation: 

"Gran Atotonilco" (hoy, Atotonilco El Grande)

Spanish Translation, Credit: 

Gordon Whittaker

Image Source: 

Codex Mendoza, folio 8 recto,, image 26, of 188.

Image Source, Rights: 

The Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, hold the original manuscript, the MS. Arch. Selden. A. 1. This image is published here under the UK Creative Commons, “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License” (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0).