Cihuaitzincocol (Verg6v)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name Cihuaitzincocol (attested here as a man’s name) shows the head of a woman (cihuatl) in profile, facing left. Her visible eye is open, and her hair is twisted up with one point on either side of her forehead. Below her is the lower portion of a man's seated body, emphasizing the rear end, bottom, or buttocks (tzintli). Below that is a chile pepper, possibly a phonetic indicator for cococ (something that burns the mouth), which is close to the name's ending -cocol (from cocolli, a quarrel, dispute, or anger). A phonetic support for this reading is the final element, at the base. It is a ceramic pot (comitl), which pushes the reading of the chilli toward -cocol. The possessive pronoun (-i-) that appears in the gloss is not shown visually.
Stephanie Wood
Gordon Whittaker states that "the chili pepper can be read CHIL(LI), COCOC 'spicy', and COCOL(LI) 'anger.' Cocolli can also refer to pain, apparently, given his translation of "A Woman's Pain in the Ass."
Stephanie Wood
juan. çinhuay~çicocol
Juan Cihuaintzincocol
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
familia, parientes, mujeres, tías, traseros, ollas, nombres de hombres
cihua(tl), woman,
cihuaini, sister,
ci(tli), grandfather's sister, i.e., great aunt,
tzin(tli), buttocks, rear end,
i- (possessive pronoun), third person singular,
cocol(li), quarrel, dispute, anger,
col(li), something bent or twisted,
cococ, hot pepper,
co(mitl), ceramic pot or jug,
CIHUA-tzinco-cococol, 'A Woman's Pain in the Ass' (for Cihuāītzīncocōl). Gordon Whittaker, personal communication, 14 September 2023.
Codex Vergara, folio 6v,
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