Amiztlato (MH718r)
This black-line drawing of the compound glyph for the personal name, Amiztlato (“Leader among Hunters”), is attested here as a man’s name. It shows a cougar (miztli) with water (atl) spewing from its mouth in a way that suggests he speaks (tlatoa), hinting at the leadership role if we remember that a tlatoani (or tlahtoani) is a leader for his ability to speak.. The water also provides the phonetic indication that the name starts with "A-." The animal’s head is shown in profile, facing toward the viewer’s right. Its coat is textured. The water has a central swirl and then spurts and cascades downward in five short streams, each with a droplet at the end. The cougar also has a semantic contribution to the theme of hunting.
Stephanie Wood
Amiztlato is a popular name for men, and it is one of the names that is often fully phonographic, such as this one. See some examples, below. One has just the miztli. Another one stands out as unusual, for it shows a nochtli, which seems to have neither a phonetic or a logographic relevance.
Jeff Haskett-Wood
cazar, cazadores, líderes, liderazgo, pumas, agua, hablar, nombres de hombres

Amiztlato, a leader among hunters,
a(tl), water,
miz(tli), a cougar,
tlatoa, or tlahtoa with the glottal stop, to speak,
Líder entre Cazadores
Stephanie Wood
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 718r, World Digital Library,
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