Xipan (MH543v)
This white and green painting of the compound glyph for the personal name Xipan is attested here as a man's name. The flag (panitl or pamitl) is tall, white, and rectangular. Coming off the right edge of the banner and the post are four green leaves (xihuitl). These provide the special phonetic syllable "xi," which Juan José Batalla Rosado (2021, 477) discusses.
Stephanie Wood
This may be the same name held by a famous Xipantecuhtli (or Xipan, a lord), who went out from Tlaxcala to meet Hernando Cortés on his march inland in 1519.
Stephanie Wood
peo xipā
Pedro Xipan
Stephanie Wood
Jeff Haskett-Wood
banderas, hojas verdes, nombres de hombres

xihu(itl), turquoise, green, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/xihuitl-0
pan(itl) or pam(itl), flag, banner, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/panitl
Xipantecuhtli, famous name, https://nahuatl.wired-humanities.org/content/xipantecuhtli
Matrícula de Huexotzinco, folio 543v, https://www.loc.gov/resource/gdcwdl.wdl_15282/?sp=166&st=image
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